March 23, 2023 at 9:00 - 18:00 (Central European Time), online, no conference fees
Registration deadline: March 20, 2023
To register for the conference please use this REGISTRATION FORM
Language: International Session (Keynotes) in Englisch (9:00 - 12:00), German Session (project presentations) in German (13:00 - 18:00)
The conference will provide a forum for discussing questions of technological sovereignty at European level and the potential for international cooperation. The keynotes that will be held in English in the morning will inspire the further development of the automotive industry over the next decade. In the afternoon, research projects funded under the "Mannheim" programme as well as other funded projects will present themselves in German and discuss the synergies of research for digital automobility.
The talks will cover such topics as software innovations, real-time capable data processing with microchips using methods of artificial intelligence, edge computing for decentralized data processing and intelligent networking of vehicles, high-precision sensors for radar and lidar applications as well as electronics for modern electrical/electronic vehicle architectures.
09:00 (CET) | Opening |
Engelbert Beyer |
09:10 | Keynotes and discussions |
European Impulses: How can Europe stay innovative and creative? Moderator: Dr. Gereon Meyer (VDI/VDE-IT)
10:30 | Break | |
10:45 | Talks and discussion |
Flagship projects introduce themselves Moderator: Dr. Gereon Meyer (VDI/VDE-IT)
12:00 | Lunch break |
13:00 | Talks |
Digital technologies for autonomous driving Research projects funded within the programme "Mannheim" introduce themselves:
14:45 | Break | |
15:00 | Keynotes and discussion |
The car of the day after tomorrow
16:00 | End of the official part of the conference |
Oksana Paulsen
VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH
Telefon: 030-31 00 78-473
E-Mail: mannheim@vdivde-it.de